

9/20/20232 min read

  • i - go to insert mode starting before the current cursor position

  • a - go to insert mode starting after the current cursor position

  • o - go to insert mode after adding a new blank line after the current one

  • :w - write file

  • :q - quit

  • :x - write file, then quit

  • u - undo last edit

  • ctrl-r - redo

  • / - search forward in the file

  • ? - search backward in the file

Splitscreen editing:
  • :sp - split window and open same file in that sub-window (useful for comparing two sections of the same file)

  • :sp anotherfile - split window and open anotherfile in that sub-window

  • ctrl-w down-arrow - switch focus to sub-window below

  • ctrl-w up-arrow - switch focus to sub-window above

  • :q - quit the sub-window that's currently in focus

Moving around:
  • :0 - go to line zero

  • :3476 - go to line 3476

  • :+34 - go 34 lines forward

  • :-76 - go 76 lines backward

  • G - go to last line of file

  • w - move ahead one word

  • W - move ahead one whitespace-delimited word

  • b - move back one word

  • B - move back one whitespace-delimited word

  • } - move ahead one paragraph (to the next empty line without any whitespace)

  • { - move back one paragraph (to the next empty line without any whitespace)

  • V} - select the following paragraph (ones delimited by empty lines)

  • > - to add indentation

  • 3> - to add three levels of indentation

  • < - to remove indentation

  • gv - to select the same block of text again

  • dd - delete current line (and put them in the same buffer that yank would have)

  • W - move ahead one word, delineated by whitespace only

  • B - move back one word, delineated by whitespace only

  • Y - yank (copy) the current line

  • P - paste before the current cursor position (or full line)

  • p - paste starting after the current cursor position (or full line)

  • ]p - paste starting after the current cursor position, but indent each line of the inserted text to the level of the current cursor position

  • ctrl-v - go to rectangular block visual mode; move up/down/left/right with cursor keys, then y to yank; then go somewhere else and give p to paste (but will paste in the rectangular block mode)

  • "sY - yank into named buffer "s" (ditto with any other character)

  • "sP - paste from named buffer "s" (ditto with any other character)

other useful vim commands:
  • cw - change word (does dw, then puts you in insert mode)

  • . - repeat command - do cw, then go to another location in the file (perhaps with a / or ? search) and do the change word there, too

  • 30d - scroll down 30 lines

  • 24u - scroll up 24 lines

Many of the move commands can be combined with the yank/delete/other commands so that fairly complicated operations only take a couple of keyboard commands (moving or copying and then pasting entire paragraphs, for instance):
  • d3} and then P to cut three paragraphs and then paste them somewhere else

  • 3w - move ahead three words

  • 3b - move back three words

  • 3} - move ahead three paragraphs (delineated by lines that have nothing on them - not even whitespace)

  • 3dd - delete current line and the following two (and put them in the same buffer that yank would have)

  • d3w - delete the next three words (and put them in the same buffer that yank would have)

  • d} - delete the following paragraph (delineated by lines without anything on them - not even whitespace)

  • 3Y - yank the current line and the following two lines

  • Y} - yank the following paragraph (delineated by lines without anything on them - not even whitespace)

  • yw - yank the next word

  • y3w - yank the next three words

  • y/ - yank until the next occurrence of the most recent search

  • gU3w - convert to uppercase (gU) next three (3) words (w)