Hello ! My name is Abhishek Bishnoi
& I love writing
Winter breeze piercing the fragile body, the fire so brave, the moon so shameful, a child singing song of the earth, so calm one can hear the earth mumbling in the sound of crickets. An elderly couple taking care of an old man. The old man seems to be at the edge of his life with just some random fragments of memory left, mostly from his youth, I could only guess. He blabbers at the nights ruining the sleep of the couple. They take care of him so selflessly. At this point as if it’s all they are born for- to take care of those who couldn’t themselves. They ask me if I would do same when they grow older and can't get up from bed. I nod. I know they are teasing me. They know I am lying. The night gets darker and I wish moonlight alone could be enough light to read a book.
What else?
A full-time DevOps Engineer, reader on weekends, writer on nights I couldn't sleep
Be a good brother, a better son, and perhaps a writer somewhere down the line
Still trying to figure out who am I
A brother of three sisters, a son, and a uncle.